- You flick the light switch DOWN to turn it ON (...usually)
- It’s normal to see a car in a parking lot with its lights on and engine running with no sign of the owner anywhere. After seeing this a few times I finally realized that the person has gone into the grocery store or mall to do their shopping and wants to come out to a cool car when they’re finished. Gas is cheap. And the consequences of stealing someone’s property would be stiff. So why not!? I mean, global warming is just something Al Gore made up to sell some DVDs, right??
- When talking on cell phones, it is only the person making the call who is charged for the minutes talked. So people “miss call” each other (they call and hang up before the other person answers) which means that THAT person will have to call them back and incur the costs.
- Multi-level malls have escalator ramps – imagine a moving sidewalk and an escalator got married and had a baby – so you can take your cart (aka trolley) from floor to floor.
- It’s common not to get napkins with your meal at a restaurant. Instead, there is a box of Kleenex (pardon me: facial tissue) on the table. Yeah, it’s just as much fun as it sounds.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
More quirks about living in Doha...
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
2 things that made me happy today at work...
1) Having a major client agree to the necessity for primary market research for their project! (btw - this is the reason I'm here) Next stage: formal proposal and working out the details.
2) Deciding to go in on a VIP box (read: court-side) tickets with some other Doha Bristolites to the Sony Ericsson WTA Tennis Championships here in Doha at the end of October!
(The below picture is from last year)

That means we'll get to watch the best female tennis players in the world (including Serena and probably Venus Williams) play for 6 days. For, like, $200 CAD. That's NUTS! If I wasn't a big tennis fan before, I suspect I will be after this!
2) Deciding to go in on a VIP box (read: court-side) tickets with some other Doha Bristolites to the Sony Ericsson WTA Tennis Championships here in Doha at the end of October!
(The below picture is from last year)

That means we'll get to watch the best female tennis players in the world (including Serena and probably Venus Williams) play for 6 days. For, like, $200 CAD. That's NUTS! If I wasn't a big tennis fan before, I suspect I will be after this!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Quick pics of our villa!
We've been busy moving into our villa and don't have internet there yet, but here are a few quick pics that we took on our way out the door this morning.
This is where we are on the map (location=fantastic!):

The view of the front door from outside the gate (pretty much all villas and componds have walls around the property; they're private folks here):

Inside the gate, from a slightly different angle

Some greenery to the right of the front door:

The living and diningrooms, taken from the front foyer:

The giant dining table that seats 10 frickin' people:

Outside the large windows, there is more garden (it actually wraps all the way around the house). I hope to plant a few flowers or some ground-cover type of thing in the sandy area at the bottom-left of the pic:

We'll add pics of the rest of the house - the giant kitchen, 3 bedrooms, and 2 1/2 baths - once they are picture-ready.
This is where we are on the map (location=fantastic!):
The view of the front door from outside the gate (pretty much all villas and componds have walls around the property; they're private folks here):
Inside the gate, from a slightly different angle
Some greenery to the right of the front door:
The living and diningrooms, taken from the front foyer:
The giant dining table that seats 10 frickin' people:
Looking back at the front door from the livingroom:
Outside the large windows, there is more garden (it actually wraps all the way around the house). I hope to plant a few flowers or some ground-cover type of thing in the sandy area at the bottom-left of the pic:
Looking back at the living/diningroom windows from the back garden. We hope to get a small patio set so we can enjoy the weather. It's finally getting "cool" enough to be tolerable to be outside for more than 30 seconds!
We'll add pics of the rest of the house - the giant kitchen, 3 bedrooms, and 2 1/2 baths - once they are picture-ready.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Also found at the grocery store...
Name That Logo - Arabic Edition - Round 1
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Ramadan is Over!
I'll attempt to describe what this all means.
Ramadan is the Islamic holy month. It involves fasting during day light hours, among other things. This which means that Arabs (and most are of Muslim religion) are not to eat, drink, smoke, even chew gum (and probably a few other enjoyments) during Ramadan. Eid al Fitr, is a 3 day Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan. And currently, at the time of this post, we are enjoying Eid which means we have a few extra days of work.. and the restaurants are now open again during the day.
Why am I so happy about this? Well, for starters - because the Arabs are not eating during the day - none of the restaurants are open until after the sun goes down. And it's actually against the law for anyone (including those who are not Muslim, like us) to eat or drink in public (even if you're driving in your car). The only exception to this are those working outside in the heat (after all, we can't have people dropping dead of dehydration out there). So it's a bit of an effort if you wanna sneak some kind of food or drink, but you can take it behind closed doors out of respect for your Arab friends.
Let me go back to my question, Why am I so happy about this? Well now we can eat, drink and be merry once again during daylight hours without any worries. (Because I did feel like I was tiptoeing around a bit and looking over my shoulder). So it's all good.
I'll attempt to describe Eid. It's kinda a little bit like Christmas for Muslims. Everyone dresses in new clothes, exchanges gifts, visits with family, and people wish each other a Happy Eid (actually the proper terminology is "Eid Mubarak"). And here's the quirky thing: The beginning of Eid is marked by seeing the new crescent moon and it has to be just right or Eid does not begin. You with me here? So around 7 o'clock pm (or so) last night, the powers-that-be saw the crescent moon. Imagine everyone saying, "It's evening already and we don't know for sure if we're working tomorrow or not....yet". While science predicts the phases of the moon, the committee responsible for these sorts of things must see it with their own eyes. So Eid was announced, everyone rejoiced. We heard the honking of horns, fireworks went off in a few places, the streets were all traffic jams as everyone headed out to the malls to do their last minute Eid shopping (I am NOT kidding here) and we said, "well I guess we can sleep in tomorrow and then go get a coffee at a decent hour!". Pretty crazy, huh?
So this is my expat view of Ramadan and the first Eid. Hopefully I'm accurate here. I'm still learning but it's all very fascinating. And apparently there is a second Eid (and more days off work, hopefully) in two months.
Ramadan is the Islamic holy month. It involves fasting during day light hours, among other things. This which means that Arabs (and most are of Muslim religion) are not to eat, drink, smoke, even chew gum (and probably a few other enjoyments) during Ramadan. Eid al Fitr, is a 3 day Muslim holiday that marks the end of Ramadan. And currently, at the time of this post, we are enjoying Eid which means we have a few extra days of work.. and the restaurants are now open again during the day.
Why am I so happy about this? Well, for starters - because the Arabs are not eating during the day - none of the restaurants are open until after the sun goes down. And it's actually against the law for anyone (including those who are not Muslim, like us) to eat or drink in public (even if you're driving in your car). The only exception to this are those working outside in the heat (after all, we can't have people dropping dead of dehydration out there). So it's a bit of an effort if you wanna sneak some kind of food or drink, but you can take it behind closed doors out of respect for your Arab friends.
Let me go back to my question, Why am I so happy about this? Well now we can eat, drink and be merry once again during daylight hours without any worries. (Because I did feel like I was tiptoeing around a bit and looking over my shoulder). So it's all good.
I'll attempt to describe Eid. It's kinda a little bit like Christmas for Muslims. Everyone dresses in new clothes, exchanges gifts, visits with family, and people wish each other a Happy Eid (actually the proper terminology is "Eid Mubarak"). And here's the quirky thing: The beginning of Eid is marked by seeing the new crescent moon and it has to be just right or Eid does not begin. You with me here? So around 7 o'clock pm (or so) last night, the powers-that-be saw the crescent moon. Imagine everyone saying, "It's evening already and we don't know for sure if we're working tomorrow or not....yet". While science predicts the phases of the moon, the committee responsible for these sorts of things must see it with their own eyes. So Eid was announced, everyone rejoiced. We heard the honking of horns, fireworks went off in a few places, the streets were all traffic jams as everyone headed out to the malls to do their last minute Eid shopping (I am NOT kidding here) and we said, "well I guess we can sleep in tomorrow and then go get a coffee at a decent hour!". Pretty crazy, huh?
So this is my expat view of Ramadan and the first Eid. Hopefully I'm accurate here. I'm still learning but it's all very fascinating. And apparently there is a second Eid (and more days off work, hopefully) in two months.
Things I've noticed here ...
Seat belts are an option, it seems. I've seen kids climbing all over the inside of some vehicles which I wouldn't allow in any kind of traffic, especially this kind.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Jet skiing in the Persian Gulf
We went jet skiing today in the Persian Gulf. We took off from the shore just behind Miranda's left shoulder and stopped at an island where we saw flamingos just further along from where we stopped here. Of course, that's the city of Doha in the background.
The salt water kept splashing up into our eyes, especially when the water was choppy. Yes, today was slightly windy and the water was not warm, it was hot. A swim in it, you could say, would probably not be as refreshing as I would've liked it.
Zigzagging in front of the Zig Zag Towers.
Some videos - what a blast, we'll definitely be going again.
P.S. - Here's a map so you can see our route (red is our path out, and blue is the path we took back).
Thursday, September 17, 2009
More quirks about living in Doha
- There are two sets of taps in the shower. One turns on the water. The other set has no faucet. No idea what those taps control.
- I find myself wearing cardigans and blazers regularly. I've heard/read that it's more respectable for a woman to cover her shoulders. Makes sense, right? Except its over 40 degrees (celsius) many days. Seems a bit crazy to me.
- Gas (supreme) is 80 dirhams per litre. There are 100 dirhams in 1 riyal. 1 riyal = about 33 cents Canadian. So 80 dirhams is about 24 cents. Yes, 24 cents per litre. And every gas station is full service.
- When you go to the mall or store, you can get your car washed (right there, in whatever parking spot you choose) for 7 or 8 riyals. Or less than $2.50.
- I still haven't cooked. The appliances are too unpredictable/unreliable. Kelly decided to make omelettes for breakfast. It took 15 minutes for the butter to melt in the pan. An hour later we had a delicious meal. But then the burner wouldn't turn off. (Yes, we turned off the knob!) We had to turn off the power at the fuse box (the stove is hard wired, not plugged into the wall). That worked.
- Sometimes its so humid that our sunglasses/glasses steam up when we get out of our car/leave a restaurant/office/store.
- We have mobile phones here, drink soda, and cannot buy coffee cream.
- Milk is full fat or low fat. No 2%, 1%, skim crap. All or nothing here. And most of the time, it's "all".
- It's normal to do u-turns. They are actually expected. You often have to drive several kms past a place you want to go, pull a u-turn and go back. Most roads have medians. It's actually safer for everyone.
- Lane markings are suggestions.
- I do a little happy dance every time we drive somewhere and do not have an accident along the way. So far, so good!
- Street names and numbers are irrelevant. You give/get directions by referencing landmarks, roundabouts (which are named by nearby buildings or sculptures), and hotel/store/restaurant names.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Things I've noticed here...
During the summer months here there is no need to turn on anything other than cold water in the shower. Wherever that tank is, it must be getting enough natural heat out of the atmosphere. In fact, it's almost too warm for me.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Doha: a mis-spoken Homer Simpson-ism??
As promised… some answers to questions you may (....or may not) have about our little adventure.
"First of all... where the heck are you?”

We are 3 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time, and do not have “daylight savings” here. Right now, we’re 6 hours ahead of Nova Scotia. When you “fall back”, it will be 7 hrs.
In land size, Qatar is about twice the size of Prince Edward Island. It is an Islamic country. The predominant language is Arabic, but most people also speak English. And most business is conducted in English. (I sometimes have to interpret for Kelly’s – his Caper accent can apparently be difficult for some people to understand!)
There are over 1.5 million people living in Qatar, and the majority of them are in and around the city of Doha. The per-capita GDP in Qatar is the highest in the world.
Which leads to….
“WHY the heck are you THERE?!”
1: Re-read the last sentence of the last paragraph.
2: 6-month-long winters suck!
2: 6-month-long winters suck!
3: Change and challenges can be fulfilling.
4: There are some exciting things happening here!
5: Why the heck not!?
4: There are some exciting things happening here!
5: Why the heck not!?
“But… you’re in the MIDDLE EAST! Are you NUTS?!”
Maybe. But it has nothing to do with where we are.
Do we feel unsafe here? Absolutely not! The city (and country) is very modern and relatively progressive (though sometimes a bit backwards compared to what we might view as “normal”). People here are friendly and helpful. They believe in providing supreme customer service – almost to a fault. For example, I don’t bother confirming that a food dish I’m considering does not contains wheat. The answer (assuming they understand my query) will certainly be “No ma’am. No wheat”, yet it could be a pasta dish(!). But I feel safer here leaving a car unlocked, a house unlocked, or being out and about after dark - for example - than I did in Halifax.
“Ok. Ok. I don't have to worry. ...So, what are you doing there again?”

Mostly, the same things we did back in Canada. We’re working for Bristol Gulf, which is kind of like Bristol’s dusty, dry, younger cousin. Kelly is still an Art Director. And I’m working towards setting up Marketing Research here. While our jobs are the same in general, the work and clients we have are obviously different.
“Do you have any frickin’ pictures!? All I've seen so far are words. Give me pictures already!”
Here are a few that we've taken this time around. (There are also pictures from our visit in March/April on our Facebook pages.)
This was taken somewhere between Frankfurt and Doha:
This was taken somewhere between Frankfurt and Doha:
This is the house beside ours (well, the one we're staying in temporarily while we work out permanent accommodations). No joke. This is someone's home! (This is the front)
This is the side of the house we look at out our back windows. Apparently the "vision" for it came to him in a dream.
Back yard. Yeah. Weird. I know. (But also kinda cool, eh?)
The street signs are different here. Some of them are pretty comical (I'll try to get some of those ones over time - they're hard to catch on camera). Almost missed this one. Their crosswalk signs are even different!
Sculpture along the Corniche (kinda like the waterfront in Halifax)
The city skyline, taken from the opposite end of the Corniche, which is a large semi circle.
Until next time... keep fit and have fun!
dinosaur house,
street signs
Friday, September 11, 2009
Leaving on a jet plane...
After much planning, chaos and preparations, Kelly and I officially began our adventures into far-away lands on Friday, September 4th. Though, despite all that planning (!) we, inevitably, hit a German roadblock along the way.
This blog - which I'd like to think of more as a journal - is meant to be a link between us and our family and friends while we live in Doha. (More on "where" and "what" is Doha in the next post). Also, Kelly and I will both take turns posting. We'll do our best to identify ourselves along the way, but those who know us well will probably figure it out on their own!
(This first post is a long one... forgive us.)
We left Margaretsville, NS at 10 am with a van filled with bags and a couple nervous kitties. Stella and Hendrix checked into their comfy space with Air Canada Live Cargo on the flight before ours, headed for Montreal (to give their handlers plenty of time to ensure they boarded the next flight to Frankfurt). Our first indication that there might be trouble was at the AC Live Cargo desk, when the attendant scratched his head, let out a big breath, and said "well, I hope this works". My anxiety level increased from a mellow 4 to about an 8 in the matter of seconds!
Before finally disconnecting from the digital world (buh-bye Blackberry!), I confirmed plans with Qatar Airways - who would be taking us and the cats from Frankfurt, Germany to Doha, Qatar. No, I did not need to take them through customs. Yes, they know what flight we are coming in on. All I have to do is pick up the cats from baggage and check them in with the Qatar Airways desk. No problem.
The pills the doctor gave me for the flight were a god-send at this point! However, neither of us slept on the over-night flight: me worried about the fur-kids, and Kelly sneezing and coughing from allergies.
Arriving in Frankfurt at 8:55 am local time (or 3:55 am NS time!) on Saturday, hopped up on anti-anxiety drugs, we warily asked the advice of an Air Canada attendant in the airport. Yeah, looking back now, we should have known better. We head to the baggage claim area, getting our passports stamped for entry into Germany on the way (me: worrying whether this will create any issues). No cats. We wait in line to talk to a baggage agent. The first guy had NO idea what he was doing and spoke only a little English. Then came our first German angel: short, stocky and full of energy, she took our information and started making phone calls. She brought me into her office in the back and got me on the phone with Air Canada Cargo.... the place the cats were. "Big problem", she said. Air Canada Cargo is 20-30 minutes away from the airport. And it would probably take 45-60 minutes to get them checked by their vets, do all the paperwork, and hand the furry ones over to us. Then another 20-30 minutes back. Then check them into Qatar Airways, have the handlers get them onto the next plane while getting ourselves through security and onto the plane.
Did I mention we had a 3-hour layover in Germany (from arrival time to departure time)? And we had already used up about 40 minutes of that.
I waited there while Kelly tried to find the Qatar Airways desk to see if there was something else that could be done while I stayed with Angel #1. Eventually, I extended my sincere thanks for her help and joined Kelly. Thomas at Qatar Airways made a few more calls. "Big problem" he said. And re-iterated the same scenario.
And the next flight to Doha is tomorrow. "You'll have to stay here overnight".
Fun. (is there a font for sarcasm??)
Thomas booked a hotel for us and took care of arranging our flights for the next day. I was too tired and defeated at the time to realize that he was German Angel #2.
Off to the bank machine to get some Euros to pay for the taxi and the hotel. We made it to Air Canada Cargo and taok our driver into the office with us to see whether he should wait or not. "Ah. No. This will take a while." And then... they pay the driver for us!! First unexpected "wow" moment. Next, we meet Astrid, a Colorado-born lady who has a farm with lots of animals and has been living in Germany for 30 years. She's our German Angel #3. She took us `~(and our scads of paperwork) this place and that, doing all the talking, increasing the load of paperwork (working title: "Stella and Hendrix: Volume 1"), even driving us in the "work car" - a mid-nineties VW Golf that probably hasn't been cleaned inside since it was bought. Neither of us cared.
Cats finally in tow, Astrid drove us to our hotel: The Steigenberger Airport Hotel. The place was impressive: clean, modern, trendy, comfortable, and they even had a message on the tv screen in our room welcoming Mrs Devoe (we used MY credit card on check-in). Housekeeping improvised a litter box for us: a plastic bin with fine gravel... likely from the gardens around the hotel. The food was good, but we were more interested in getting to sleep. It was about 7 am Nova Scotia time (noon in Germany) when we crashed. Aside from the movie (English, dubbed into German) Kelly watched at about midnight-3am local time, we slept through to the next morning. Stella and Hendrix cuddled with us on the bed all night.
Having decided not to take our 6 large luggage bags with us when we left the airport, we showered and put our same clothes back on (with fresh underwear of course! - something I always take in carry-on, along with a toothbrush! YAY!), and headed back to the Airport.
It took us an hour to get us and the cats checked in (Thomas was there to help again when they told us they couldn't board two cats in the same kennel), leaving us just enough time to stop at a McCafe for some yummy breakfast - MacDonalds in North America should take a few cues!!
After another 6 hours in the air, we walked into the Doha heat and humidity Sunday evening (afternoon in Canada), picked up the cats with our baggage (unexpectedly easy! - though our oversize bags got stuck in a back room for an extra 30-45 minutes), and met Beth and Doug (our new "boss" and her husband) who drove us to our temporary home. We slept a few hours, got up, and went to work for 8:30 am (2:30 am NS time) and have been going ever since.
Believe it or not, I'm looking forward to finding a chance to go back to Germany.
Next post: Why/what/where is Doha?!
This blog - which I'd like to think of more as a journal - is meant to be a link between us and our family and friends while we live in Doha. (More on "where" and "what" is Doha in the next post). Also, Kelly and I will both take turns posting. We'll do our best to identify ourselves along the way, but those who know us well will probably figure it out on their own!
(This first post is a long one... forgive us.)
We left Margaretsville, NS at 10 am with a van filled with bags and a couple nervous kitties. Stella and Hendrix checked into their comfy space with Air Canada Live Cargo on the flight before ours, headed for Montreal (to give their handlers plenty of time to ensure they boarded the next flight to Frankfurt). Our first indication that there might be trouble was at the AC Live Cargo desk, when the attendant scratched his head, let out a big breath, and said "well, I hope this works". My anxiety level increased from a mellow 4 to about an 8 in the matter of seconds!
Before finally disconnecting from the digital world (buh-bye Blackberry!), I confirmed plans with Qatar Airways - who would be taking us and the cats from Frankfurt, Germany to Doha, Qatar. No, I did not need to take them through customs. Yes, they know what flight we are coming in on. All I have to do is pick up the cats from baggage and check them in with the Qatar Airways desk. No problem.
The pills the doctor gave me for the flight were a god-send at this point! However, neither of us slept on the over-night flight: me worried about the fur-kids, and Kelly sneezing and coughing from allergies.
Arriving in Frankfurt at 8:55 am local time (or 3:55 am NS time!) on Saturday, hopped up on anti-anxiety drugs, we warily asked the advice of an Air Canada attendant in the airport. Yeah, looking back now, we should have known better. We head to the baggage claim area, getting our passports stamped for entry into Germany on the way (me: worrying whether this will create any issues). No cats. We wait in line to talk to a baggage agent. The first guy had NO idea what he was doing and spoke only a little English. Then came our first German angel: short, stocky and full of energy, she took our information and started making phone calls. She brought me into her office in the back and got me on the phone with Air Canada Cargo.... the place the cats were. "Big problem", she said. Air Canada Cargo is 20-30 minutes away from the airport. And it would probably take 45-60 minutes to get them checked by their vets, do all the paperwork, and hand the furry ones over to us. Then another 20-30 minutes back. Then check them into Qatar Airways, have the handlers get them onto the next plane while getting ourselves through security and onto the plane.
Did I mention we had a 3-hour layover in Germany (from arrival time to departure time)? And we had already used up about 40 minutes of that.
I waited there while Kelly tried to find the Qatar Airways desk to see if there was something else that could be done while I stayed with Angel #1. Eventually, I extended my sincere thanks for her help and joined Kelly. Thomas at Qatar Airways made a few more calls. "Big problem" he said. And re-iterated the same scenario.
And the next flight to Doha is tomorrow. "You'll have to stay here overnight".
Fun. (is there a font for sarcasm??)
Thomas booked a hotel for us and took care of arranging our flights for the next day. I was too tired and defeated at the time to realize that he was German Angel #2.
Off to the bank machine to get some Euros to pay for the taxi and the hotel. We made it to Air Canada Cargo and taok our driver into the office with us to see whether he should wait or not. "Ah. No. This will take a while." And then... they pay the driver for us!! First unexpected "wow" moment. Next, we meet Astrid, a Colorado-born lady who has a farm with lots of animals and has been living in Germany for 30 years. She's our German Angel #3. She took us `~(and our scads of paperwork) this place and that, doing all the talking, increasing the load of paperwork (working title: "Stella and Hendrix: Volume 1"), even driving us in the "work car" - a mid-nineties VW Golf that probably hasn't been cleaned inside since it was bought. Neither of us cared.
Cats finally in tow, Astrid drove us to our hotel: The Steigenberger Airport Hotel. The place was impressive: clean, modern, trendy, comfortable, and they even had a message on the tv screen in our room welcoming Mrs Devoe (we used MY credit card on check-in). Housekeeping improvised a litter box for us: a plastic bin with fine gravel... likely from the gardens around the hotel. The food was good, but we were more interested in getting to sleep. It was about 7 am Nova Scotia time (noon in Germany) when we crashed. Aside from the movie (English, dubbed into German) Kelly watched at about midnight-3am local time, we slept through to the next morning. Stella and Hendrix cuddled with us on the bed all night.
Having decided not to take our 6 large luggage bags with us when we left the airport, we showered and put our same clothes back on (with fresh underwear of course! - something I always take in carry-on, along with a toothbrush! YAY!), and headed back to the Airport.
It took us an hour to get us and the cats checked in (Thomas was there to help again when they told us they couldn't board two cats in the same kennel), leaving us just enough time to stop at a McCafe for some yummy breakfast - MacDonalds in North America should take a few cues!!
After another 6 hours in the air, we walked into the Doha heat and humidity Sunday evening (afternoon in Canada), picked up the cats with our baggage (unexpectedly easy! - though our oversize bags got stuck in a back room for an extra 30-45 minutes), and met Beth and Doug (our new "boss" and her husband) who drove us to our temporary home. We slept a few hours, got up, and went to work for 8:30 am (2:30 am NS time) and have been going ever since.
Believe it or not, I'm looking forward to finding a chance to go back to Germany.
Next post: Why/what/where is Doha?!
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